Prayers of Lament and Petition
Last night, we held a virtual prayer gathering for our church to lament the injustice and violence we’ve seen in the past week (and the past many years, decades and centuries in our country) and to petition the Lord to intervene.
Here are some of the things we encouraged people to pray about, alternating between Petition (asking) and Lamenting:
Petition the Lord for Peace and Safety
For Protests to be peaceful and yet powerful - that change might come through them
Against people purposely stirring up violence amidst the protests
For officials and Police officers to restore safety in a way that promotes peace and to treat people with dignity, respect and equality
For officers and officials to be safe themselves
For a return to a sense of safety for ourselves and our children
Lament Injustice and Violence
The murder of innocent black and brown men, women and children
The appropriate anger that undergirds the protests we’ve seen — that we have rightful cause for anger over injustice
The lack of safety people of color have felt for centuries in our country
The lack of safety in our neighborhoods due to looting and rioting
That peaceful protests are being marred by violence and theft
The ways we’ve been silent against injustice, enabled it, and participated in it in small and large ways
The systems, processes and priorities that disadvantage and oppress people of color
Petition for Reconciliation, Restoration and Justice
For racial reconciliation in our city and country
That those who have done wrong would confess their wrong, pay the penalty and make restitution
For justice for George Floyd and all who’ve gone before him
That the leaders of our communities and country work hard for reconciliation and peace
For the restoration of safety and work for employees who are now scared to go to work or unable to go
For restoration of the businesses that have been damaged and stolen from, particularly small businesses
For awakening where we and those around us have turned a blind eye to injustice
For gentleness and peacemaking in our own hearts
For Christ to be our hope and power for change