The Drake Passage

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Memorial Day

Today is Memorial Day in the US. Who might God call us to remember today beyond the service men and women of our country?

In Jeremiah 22:1-9 we hear that part of the reason for God’s people being exiled (violently invaded and then deported) was because they were not taking care of the oppressed, the foreigner, the widow, the fatherless in their land.  In the American church we often think the things that break God’s heart and lead to his punishment or discipline are only personal sins of moral failings.  But Jeremiah shows us it’s also the social sins of omission and commission we commit against the people around us - particularly the oppressed, the vulnerable and the outsider.

On this Memorial Day, let’s strive as Christians to remember in our actions and with our word those around us who are oppressed and overlooked. Let’s do this no matter their color , social status (and especially if they are a different social status or color!!), likability, or background.  Not out of fear of exile, for Christ was exiled for us at the cross so that we might be brought near and saved from our sins. But out of fear that we would have a greater deliverance than ancient Israel had and yet we would show lesser love to those around us.

Let’s remember the oppressed in a way where they feel remembered today.